When the Buddha was on his deathbed, so the story goes, his disciples were distraught at the prospect of his leaving them. His last words to them were, “Be lamps unto yourselves. Be your own confidence. Hold the truth within yourselves as the only truth.” We are true to ourselves when we bring forth what is within us.
Raymond Charles Barker believed we are born with infinite wisdom. He said when he christened a baby, he marveled at the fact that this was a spontaneous creature with no limitations. Unfortunately, as we grow older, many of us develop limitations that imprison us. We forget that in Spirit, nothing is lacking. When we awaken to that fact, we transform our lives because we open ourselves to the wisdom always available to us.
Ernest Holmes wrote, “We must trust that the power that started all things will start just on the right road.” To me, that means asking myself what matters in my life. What is important to me? How do I choose to live? The answers to these questions determine the quality of our existence.
When we recognize God as our center, there is no limit to what we can be, do and accomplish. Then these words from Eric Butterworth take on a deeper meaning: “We are human in expression but divine in creation and limitless in potentiality.”
Ernest Holmes wrote in “The Science of Mind” – page 145 – Until we awake to the fact that we are one in nature with God, we shall not find the way of life. Until we realize that our own word has the power of life, we will not see clearly.